
Internet-Portal has attracted to Fortebank borrowers for 3,5 billion tenge

In June 2018 Fortebank has become a partner bank for - the largest Kazakhstan provider of online leads for financial products. Over the past six months after the entering into a cooperation agreement, the first financial results of this partnership have been summed up, and they are impressive.

During the six months has attracted of borrowers to bank, who were granted the loans in the amount of 3 555 298 473 tenge. Wherein the number of applications reached 23 000 per month, and the amount of loans - up to 763 379 638 tenge per month, providing growth of more than 20% per month.

«Our attitude to cooperation with is exceedingly positive. Signing a contract with this company, we exclude a lot of costs with the formation of customer needs, with its direction through conversion channels, even with his processing. In fact, we economize on many promotional items, in order to attract a customer and make a good deal with him», - explained ForteBank Marketing Director - Anton Kim.

According to his story, for the bank it is - «the same sales, but only with saving for the future on fairly large non-conversion instruments».

«This financial portal has proven itself quite well. At the same time, our partnership affects the offline sales, we also see a positive correlation here. Specialists of know the approach for successful promotion. Therefore, we will continue our mutually beneficial cooperation. we have ambitious plans for next year: as a minimum, we expect an increase in sales of our products by 1.5 times - up to 1-1.5 billion tenge. I am sure there are few banks that are willing to abandon high-quality marketing services, work style of which is highly consistent and transparent» - A. Kim added. - the largest online lido-generator in the financial sector of Kazakhstan. The core of the company is made up professionals with ten years of project development experience. The project was launched in 2009. At the beginning, it was a simple website about banking services, which was visited by 30 people per month. Now it's 800 thousand users per month. Next year the portal will celebrate 10 years of its successful activity.

The portal is an effective tool to attract hot sales of credit products of banks and provides a large range of services: searching of clients, accepting applications, adding data to them, initial consultation, customer filtering through pre-scoring and personal loan product selection, further transfer of the client to the bank, status monitoring and its maintenance until the conclusion of the deal. At the same time, the service is always free for the user.

As a rule, now more and more people are looking for information about loans on the Internet. - usually, during the searching, the borrower finds data about financial products in disparate sources and formats. It takes time to find and analyze information. And often users make the wrong decision.

Consequences - overpayment of remuneration and inefficient waste of time for processing and maintenance of the loan. users can quickly compare, choose the best option from the proposed financial products and make the best choice.

Also, since mid-2018, became the first marketplace for financial products, which offered customers a tool for obtaining online loan solutions, by implementing this scheme with several partner banks. There is no need to go to the bank office for potential borrowers now, collect a bunch of documents to get approval or rejection - it is enough to submit an application via portal and immediately receive the decision of the bank. it is also a serious reduction in operating expenses for partner banks - for consultation, filtering customers by phone (telemarketing) and processing a large stream of customers in the offices, many of which are often not suitable for bank requirements and are refused.

The demand and relevance of the functionality of the portal is confirmed by numbers - if in 2017 through were filed 350 thousand applications for loans, then in 2018 - already 650 thousand applications, 820 thousand applications are expected to attract in 2019 and 1 million applications in 2020.

Currently, the company provides the loans in sum 3 billion tenge per month.

Today, 80% of the TOP-10 active retail banks and microfinance organizations are connected to Among the company's partners are Sberbank, Kaspi Bank, Eurasian Bank, Home Credit Bank, Alfa Bank, VTB Bank, Fortebank, "Housing construction saving bank of Kazakhstan", AsiaCredit Bank, MFO - Kaz Credit Line, KMF, Swiss Capital and many others.

Photo: from open sources

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